Doctoral Students at Local and National Conferences
Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations (2005-2014)
- *Wong, W.H., Ruble, A. L., & McGrew, J. (2014, Aug). The Theory of Planned Behavior and influences of special education teachers’ intentions to collect data. Electronic poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (student forum). Washington D.C.
- *Wong, W.H., & Ruble, A. L. (2014, Aug). Applying social network analysis as a clinical measure: A case study of evaluating the effectiveness of social interventions. Electronic poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (student forum). Washington D.C.
- Ruble, L., Murray, D., McGrew, J., & *Wong, V. (May, 2014). Validity and Reliability of the Parent Activation Measure for Developmental Disabilities. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Atlanta, GA.
- *Aiello, R., & Ruble, L., (May, 2014). Influence of Child and Teacher Characteristics on Educational Placement of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Atlanta, GA.
- *Belkin, T., McGrew, J., & Ruble, L. (May, 2014). Predictors of Child and Parent-Domain Stress Profiles in Parents of Children with Autism. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Atlanta, GA.
- *Odom, J., *Belkin, T., Ruble, L., & McGrew, J. (May, 2014). Longitudinal Outcomes of Adults with Autism. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Atlanta, GA.
- *Rodgers, A., Ruble, L., *Wong, V., & McGrew, J. (May 2014). Examining the Effects of COMPASS on the Self-Efficacy of Teachers of Students with Autism. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Atlanta, GA.
- Grisham-Brown, J., & Ruble, L. (Feb, 2014). Common Elements Teaching Sequences for Assessing Fidelity for Implementing Interventions to Young Children with Autism and Other Developmental Delay. Poster presented at the Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention. San Diego, CA.
- Ruble, L., & McGrew, J., (Feb. 2014). Teacher Burnout Predicts Child Educational Progress. Poster presented at the Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention, San Diego, CA.
- *Hoffman, J., *Hinchey, M., Sigler, A., & Ruble, L. (February, 2014). Individualized Social Skills Assessment and Intervention for Children with Autism. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists. Washington, DC.
- Wong, W. H., Ruble, L. A., McGrew, G.H., & Guskey, T. R., (Sep, 2013). The theory of planned behavior and influence of special education teachers' intentions to collect data. Paper presented at the Kentucky Association for Psychology in the Schools. Louisville, Kentucky.
- Ruble, L., & McGrew, J. (2013). Teacher Burnout Predicts Goal Attainment Outcomes for Children with Autism. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. San Sebastian, Spain.
- *Goble, Z., Ruble, L., & McGrew, J. (2013). Identifying and Predicting Stress in Parents of Children with Autism. Poster presented at the Kentucky Psychological Association. Lexington, Kentucky
- *Wong, V., Ruble, L., & McGrew, J. (2013). Teacher Beliefs Toward Data Collection. Poster presented at the Children at Risk Conference. Lexington, Kentucky
- Ruble, L. McGrew, J., & Toland, M., (August, 2012). A Randomized Controlled Study of Consultation for Students with Autism: Impact of Web Technology. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association. Orlando, FL.
- Ruble, L. McGrew, J., & Toland, M., (May, 2012). A Randomized Controlled Study of Face-to-Face and Web-based COMPASS Consultation. Paper presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Toronto, CA.
- *Aiello, R., Ruble, L., & *Wilcox, E., (May, 2012). Use of the Differential Abilities Scale for the Assessment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Toronto, CA.
- *Murphy, M. & Ruble, L., (May, 2012). An Examination of IEP Quality, Parent and Teacher Stress, and Teacher Background for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Rural and Urban Areas.Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Toronto, CA.
- *Birdwhistell, J., Ruble, L., Toland, M., & Usher, E. (May, 2012). Preliminary Study on the Development of the Autism Self-Efficacy Scale for Teachers (ASSET). Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Toronto, CA.
- Nesland, T., Bonilha, L., Tabesh, A., Davies, F., *Clark, J.D., Bhatt, R. S., Ruble, L.A., Glaser, P. E., &Joseph.J.E.(October, 2012).Network analysis of structural networks in Autism Spectrum Disorder,Society for Neuroscience. New Orleans, LA.
- Joseph, J.E., *Clark, J. D., Zhu, x., Swearingen, J. E., Ruble, L. A., Glaser, P. E., Bhait, R., S. (October, 2012). Brain basis of face processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Developmental delay or atypical functional organization?Society for Neuroscience. New Orleans, LA.
- Swearingen, J., Zhu, X., *Clark, J. D., Bhatt, R. S. Lisa Ruble, L. A., Davies, F., Glaser, P. & Joseph, J. E. (October, 2012). Brain Networks in Autism Spectrum Disorder: a graph theoretic approach to functional connectivity. Society for Neuroscience. New Orleans, LA.
- Ruble, L. (September, 2011). Randomized controlled study of COMPASS consultation for students with autism. Paper presented at the Kentucky Association of Psychology in the Schools. Lexington, KY.
- Ruble, L., McGrew, J., & Toland, M. (August, 2011). Randomized controlled study of teacher training in autism. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
- Ruble, L., McGrew, J., & Johnson, R. (May, 2011) Randomized study of web-based teacher coaching. Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Deigo, CA.
- Ruble, L. A. & McGrew, J. (2011, February). Goal Attainment Scaling: Outcome Measure of Consultation and IEP Progress. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, San Francisco, CA.
- *Murphy, M., & Ruble, L. (2011, February). The influence of rurality on access to services for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychology Convention, San Francisco, CA.
- *Aiello, R., & Ruble, L. A. (2011, February).Survey of School Psychologists’ Autism Knowledge, Training, and Experiences.Poster presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, San Francisco, CA.
- *Hoffman, J. M., & Ruble, L. A. (2011, February).Parent-teacher consultation and caregiver stress levels. Poster presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, San Francisco, CA.
- *Aiello, R. & Ruble, L. (May, 2010). The relationship between intelligence and teacher ratings of social skills for children with autism. Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA
- *Birdwhistell, J. L., & Ruble, L. A. (May, 2010). Friendship and loneliness of students with ASD: Influence of social skills. Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA
- Johnson, R., Ruble, L., McGrew, J. & Jung, L. (May, 2010). Randomized study of web-based teacher coaching.Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA.
- Ruble, L., McGrew, J., &Toland, M. (May, 2010). Teacher, Caregiver, and Child Predictors of Educational Outcomes of Children with Autism.Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA.
- Mathai, G., Sears, L., & Ruble, L. (May, 2010). Adaptive functioning and cognitive development in young children with autism.Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA.
- *Smith, A. & Ruble, L. (March, 2010). Predictors of caregiver and teacher verbal interactions during consultation on child outcomes.Poster session presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.
- *Birdwhistell, J., *Murphy, M., & Ruble, L. (March, 2010). Social skills of children with autism: parent and teacher congruence. Poster session presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.
- *Aiello, R. & Ruble, L. (March, 2010). The relationship between intelligence and caregiver ratings of social skills of children with autism.Poster session presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.
- Ruble, L., & McGrew, J., (2009). Parent-Teacher consultation in autism: Moving research into practice. h Poster session presented at the 20th NIMH Conference on Mental Health Services Research, Washington, DC.
- *Clark, J,Corbly, C., Huffman, M., Wheatley, M., Ruble, L., Bhatt, R., Glaser, P., & Joseph, J., (2009). Neural Activation for Configural and Featural Face Processing in ASD and the ASD-siblings Endophenotype. 2nd annual UK Cognitive Science Symposium, Lexington, KY.(May, 2009). Amygdala Activation in Response to Configural and Featural Facial Changes in ASD.Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.
- Ruble, L., McGrew, J., & Dalrymple, N. (May, 2009). Mediators of Student Success in a Randomized Controlled Study of Teacher Consultation in Autism: a Preliminary Investigation Establishing Proof of Concept. Paper presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.
- Young, A, Ruble, L, & McGrew, J. (2009, May). Association of Insurance Type and Cost, Use, Accessibility, and Outcomes of Services for Children with ASD. Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.
- Young, A, & Ruble, L (2009, May). Vaccines & Autism: A Parental Perspective. Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.
- *Smith, A., Ruble, L. & *Kirk, A. (May, 2009). The influence of caregiver verbal interactions during conjoint consultation on child outcomes.Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.
- Mathai, G., Ruble, L., & Sears, L. (May, 2009). Autism Severity and Its Impact on Cognitive Development in Young Children with Autism.Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.
- *Goldsmith S., & Ruble, L. (February, 2009). Social skills group outcomes for middle school students with autism spectrum disorders. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Boston, MA.
- *Aeillo, R., Ruble, L., & *Birdwhistell, J. (February, 2009). Literacy as a Priority: An Evaluation of Individualized Education Plans for Children with Autism. Poster session presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Boston, MA.
- Wells, C., Ballew, M., & Ruble, L. (November, 2008). Maximizing Capacity: Collaborative Consultation at Individual, Local, and State Levels. Paper presented at the Network of Autism Training and Technical Assistance Programs, Columbus, OH.
- Ruble, L., Usher, E., & *Nounopolous, A. (August, 2008). Teaching Students with Autism: A Preliminary Investigation of Teacher Self-Efficacy.Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
- Hardesty, P., *Mathai, G., & Ruble, L. (August, 2008). Autism Spectrum Disorders: Reasons for Treatment Referrals Across the Developmental Life Span. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
- Ruble, L., Dalrymple, N., McGrew, J. (May, 2008). Randomized Controlled Study of Collaborative Parent-Teacher Consultation in Autism. International Meeting for Autism Research, Poster session presented at the London, UK.
- *Mathai, G., Ruble, L., & Hardesty, P.(May, 2008). Autism Spectrum Disorders: Reasons for Treatment Referrals Across the Developmental Life Span. Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, London, UK
- *Wheatley, M., Ruble, L., McGrew, J., & Dalrymple, N. (February, 2008). Quality and Content of IEPs for Students with Autism.Poster session presented at the National Association of School Psychologists. New Orleans, LA
- Ruble, L., Dalrymple, N., & McGrew, J., & *Wheatley, M. (February, 2008). A Randomized Comparison of Parent-Teacher Consultation for Students with Autism.Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists. New Orleans, LA
- Ruble, L., Dalrymple, N., McGrew, J., Brown, M., & *Cartwright, A. (May, 2007). Analysis of Individual Education Plans for Young Children with Autism.Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Seattle, WA
- *Mathai, G., Hardesty, P., & Ruble, L. (October, 2007). Autism Spectrum Disorders: Reasons for Treatment Referrals Across the Developmental Life Span.Poster session presented at the Research Louisville, Louisville, KY
- Ruble, L., Mathai, G., & *Flores, P. (2007). Social skills summer camp outcomes for children with autism spectrum disorders.Poster session presented at the Research Louisville, Louisville, KY.
- Murray, D.S., Ruble, L., & Molloy, C.A. (May, 2007). Parent and teacher ratings of social skills in children with autism spectrum disorders.Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Seattle, WA
- Mathai, G., *Flores, P., & Ruble, L. (May, 2007). Social skills camp outcomes for children with autism spectrum
session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Seattle, WA
- Ruble, L. (April, 2006). Community Services Outcomes for Kentucky families and children with autism. Paper session presented at the Conference on Human Development. Louisville, KY
- Ruble, L., & McGrew, J. (May, 2006). Caregiver Perception of Service Effectiveness.Paper presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Montreal, Canada
- *King, A., *Packett, D., & Ruble, L. (March, 2006). The Relationship between Parent Interaction Style and Social Outcomes in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.Poster session presented at the Gatlinburg Conference. San Diego, CA
- Ruble, L., *King, A., & *Packet, D. (March, 2006). The Autism Engagement Scale.Poster session presented at the Gatlinburg Conference. San Diego, CA
- Murray, D., & Ruble, L. (May, 2006). The Congruency of Parent and Teacher Report of Social Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Montreal, Canada
- *King, A. & Ruble, L. (May, 2006). Improving Early Interaction Skills of Children with Autism through Parent Engagement. . Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Montreal, Canada
- Sears, L., *King, A., & Ruble, L. (May, 2006). Evaluation of Cognitive Development in Young Children with Autism using the Differential Ability Scales.Poster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Montreal, Canada
- Ruble, L., *Ramser, A., *King, A., & Gallagher, T. (May, 2005) Improving Early Interaction Skills of Children with Autism through Parent Engagement.oster session presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Boston, MA.
- Ruble, L. & McGrew, J. (July, 2005). Community Services Outcomes for families and children with autism. Poster session presented at the Eighteenth NIMH Research Conference on Mental Health Services MHSR 2005: New Investigators' Program. Bethesda, MD
Invited Key Note Presentations
- Ruble, L., (July, 2014). Implementation science: The next leap forward in autism research. Autism Aspect Australia. Sydney, Australia.
- Ruble, L., (June, 2011). Parent-teacher collaborative consultation and coaching: Creating personalized educational programs for students with autism, monitoring progress, and supporting teachers. Training Institute on Autism, Florida State University. Tallahassee, Fl.
- Ruble, L. (November, 2007). Parent-professional Collaboration is Key to Successful Outcomes in Autism. Invited Keynote. Autism Society of Utah.2007 Annual Conference. Sandy, UT